Embracing Change

This past year has been full. Very full. It’s had ups and downs, sunny days and storms, gains and losses. But we made it through and now we are already nearly two months into 2024.

I remember as a child how time seemed to move much slower and now it just flies by. People wonder about that and I think it’s because as a child there is a lot less to fill it. A lot less responsibility so there are less things to cram into 24 hours. Less people in our lives, less hobbies and past times to vie for our attention.

So if life is flying by, to me that means I am living a good life. It’s full of people and experiences I love and that are helping me grow into the person I am meant to be.

Some of the changes have been within, but many have affected my every day life.

We’ve been renovating our home, with some of the projects out of necessity, some because it was time. Check out my newly painted office. It’s been wonderfully bright and warm through the dark winter months!

We spent a good part of 2023 purging the attic. It was bittersweet. I’d kept my entire life in boxes- beginning with my youth and continuing through my children’s growing years. I actually found my very well-worn library card from when I was a child!

That library knew me well. We were down there weekly, sometimes daily, reading new books, re-reading favorites. Going to the library was a favorite past time for sure.

So now that the purge has been completed, David’s been working on renovating the attic space to make me a sanctuary away from every day life. It will be a reading/writing area on one half and other half will be where I do my meditation and spiritual work. This has been a dream since we bought the house back in 2002. And now it is becoming a reality.

See? Not all change is bad.

One last change I will talk about today is this website. I guess with winter’s ending and spring just around the corner I felt it was time to do an upgrade to my Janina Grey home. I wanted something a bit brighter, a bit more softer and loving and welcoming, and this is what I came up with for now.

It’s definitely different from what I’m used to, but I like it and I hope you do too.

In closing, I’d like to impart some wisdom about change. Change and fluidity are a part of life. Ponds without any aeration become stagnant, but rivers constantly flowing and cutting out new bends and embankments are alive and healthy. The seasons come and go. The sun and moon rise and set. Nothing stays the same. And neither should we.

Change is about growth and transformation. I learned this valuable lesson as a young witchling, drumming around a campfire as we sang, “Everything that ever was, will be. Everything that will be has always been. Changing changing, ever the same. Changing changing around again.”

So embrace the change. Revel in it. Live it. And shine through it to be the best you that you can.

Thanks for being patient while you waited for me to return. It was a tumultuous year, but 2024 is here and life is wonderful.

Keep shining!

Check out my Earth and Sky Series published by soulmatepublishing.com
and available at http://www.amazon.com/author/janinagrey !

New books, childhood bookshelf. Everything that ever was will be. Everything that will be has always been.

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