Updated: June 9, 2024

On May 31, I began a journey of a lifetime. Accompanied by my hubs David and kiddos Allie Rose, Anthony, and his super fantastic wife (who’s also the kind of daughter-in-law mothers dream about) I headed to JFK airport to fly across the pond (I’ve always wanted to say that!). We filled eight jam-packed days in Scotland, mostly Edinburgh, with a day jaunt to the Highlands, another day jaunt to North Berwick, and an afternoon adventure in Dunfermline.
I recapped our journey that ended on June 8 as we boarded our Delta flight in Edinburgh Airport under the Travel Blog option on the above menu so that my friends, loved ones, and followers can experience my journey with me.|
Many thanks to Allie Rose for making this happen, to David for being a part of the dream, and to Anthony and Jolene who wouldn’t miss this for the world. 
Ever since I was a little girl (a wee lass, I guess I should say),  as crazy as this sounds, I thought I’d lived another life. I missed my long dresses, used English spellings of many words, wrote my first hex (I didn’t know better) when I was eight years old.
At four years old, I would have nightmares and wake up screaming for my dad, “My village is burning!” The nightmares continued throughout my life, almost completely ceasing 20 years ago when I moved to the mountains of Upstate New York and openly embraced the title I’d feared most my life: Witch.
Going to Scotland feels like I’m going home. My ancestral lineage on my mom’s side traces back to the UK, Ireland, Norway, so it’s not just a witchy thing, but it’s in my blood. This adventure began a few months ago, when my friend Mary invited me to join a Facebook page called The Creative Coven. I joined thinking it would give tips on running a coven. What I found out was that I was among some very talented artists who would submit drawings and sketches of self portraits or just of faces in general representing the 600 + witches who were listed as Unknown in the historical archives recording the Burning Times that began in the 1500s.
I wrote a poem for

and posted it as a thank you for all the great work being shared. The administrator of the page, Rowan, contacted me and asked if she could recite the poem at the event they were planning for June. I said of course.
When I told Allie, she insisted we go. From there it branched out to David, Ant and Jo coming along with us.
I recited that poem and another called A Cup of Ash, with two other very esteemed poets. It is an honor that has left me humbled and elated. I will post the poems soon. I waited to post the travel blog for safety reasons, until we returned home. I invite you now to take a peek and come along on my journey to Scotland!!



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